
the wonder cabinet

Just before I left for Asia, I had the chance to take in a curiosity of a show in Charlottesville. Wunderkammer. A performance extravaganza, the project mixed music, theatre, and circus together in salivating spectacle. For me it was a site to behold as my interests in these areas are slowly starting to grow. A new show is on the horizon.



Was in New York last weekend. Took the Chinatown bus up from Richmond. Was tolk by many that it was a courageous act. Not sure if it was courageous or stupid.
Visiting the city is always a pleasure. There is something intoxicating about it. Maybe it's the fact that I can leave.
Took a quick pic of the subway. My favorite even though it smells like piss and in the summer its a heat wave. Have always wanted to design a rollercoaster ride that ran on the subway in NYC. Was thinking you could strap a cart to the front of a subway car and as it stopped you shoot off down the tracks. Not sure how'd you would stop though. Would a hand break work?

Meet with Megan for dinner at a little Yemeni restuarant and then checked out a dance project that was being done in a local laudromat. Not really sure what I made of the dancing. Much of it was a bit too boring. NOt engaging. What they did do was interact with the context in interesting ways.

Am trying to associate the criticality of my art dialogue. Wait that sentence was way over the top. So, my wife said that she thinks my criticality of art (which tends to be negative) comes from an insecurity of about my own work. Good stuff! I'm glad that she said that. My work misses the mark a times. It made me think that I might be better at being a crit vs. being an artist. Though, I think that I can do both. Am looking forward to writing about some of the work I see in Singapore and then getting to NYC to engage in that social scene and dialogue.


In between places

Have made it to Virginia now, leaving Wisconsin behind. It was a melancholly moment leaving my first true home. So many firsts took place there that I'll remember the place for the rest of my life. Looked at it via Google Earth this morning and it still feels very close, though I know it's far away now.

Next week I depart from New York for Singapore. I'm leaving behind my wife and daughter. Was hoping that they could have joined me for most of this, but it doesn't look like it will work out. Hopefully they will be able to come the last two weeks to share the experience.

Other stuff - Have been thinking a lot about this epic that a friend, Ryan and I have been tossing around. We are hoping to publish a serious of graphic novels that revolve around these ideas of masculinity and competition. Should be a fun way to explore some ideas. Singapore should influence this.


back again

Was about to apologize for not writing. Don't feel that I need to do that though.
Life has been extremely busy - working on projects that haven't quite turned the corner, selling a house, and trying to be a good father are a few of things that seem to whittle away the time.

The reason I'm returning to this blog is more because of what is next and to leave behind the last several years. It is a turning poing in my life. I'm leaving for Singapore in three weeks to work on a project with several important people. This can make or break a multitude of opportunities. So, the pressure is on. I will be documenting it all via this blog. Stay tuned for more.

What I really what now is something that will focus my attention. I want to go through something similar to my previous experience with training for soccer. I want to be physically and mentally challenged to the point of exhaustion. So much so, that it changes the way I live. Opus Dei keeps popping into my head. I want the rigor that is focuses my mind and body, making more of it. Attaining another level. This is sounding way too religious. Maybe I should make a religion out of a sport or vice versa. I'm just in need of a change.

First, I will start with leaving Madison. That is a good place to begin. Leaving baggage behind to reinvent myself.