
Gettn Around to It

Was going to write about some ideas I had about conceptual art. But does it really matter. Ok, I'll sum it up quickly. Can art be only an idea? That want I've been dealing with. My answer is yes! No need to make anything ever again. Hurray. That takes a load off my mind. That's what grad school should have taught me. Maybe it did, it just took a year for me to realize it.

I've just discovered Lily Allen. Brit Pop has invaded my life. Wonder what it feels like being 21 and a music star. Must be nice to be making loads of money and travel the world. I'm happy to say that music has come back into my life and it feels amazing. Forgot how great it makes me feel and it's all around me.
Was wondering if everyone thinks that some day they will make it big. Well not big, maybe just do something important. I guess that is defined by the person. Once a guy told me that all I need to do is ONE BRILLIANT thing in art and you're set. It would be nice to do something brilliant. Wonder if I have it in me or not?
Right now, I just want to have a little fun. Would be nice to get out of dodge and take in some sites. Maybe find a bit of trouble. Or atleast make me think lit I'll get in trouble. I'm sick of having to be an adult. Guess that comes with the territory.
No, it doesn't. Being fun is a state of mind or a way of life. I tend to be a bit too serious. Another change to make in my life. Always evolving that my goal.


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