Being an Artist
First I want to pass on some photos of the Singapore Biennale. Will include the Jenny Holzer piece, a so-so photo of a Mariko Mori piece and a new artist to me Carsten Nicolai. Oh and an artist from the phillipines that I liked.

Overall the Biennale is good. Not great but good. There has to be a starting point and this is a beginning.
Am not really putting down all my thoughts as of yet. Those are going elsewhere.
Just to review my last few weeks. I've been working hard on the video for Keng Sen's show, Diaspora. Did learn a lot of new things about Final Cut and how they are making these massive projections work. Sounds like this is a first in the theatre production world. Now, I've been taking a break from that and acting more like an artist. Keng Sen and I had a talk about my goals and desires for this trip. Up until recently, I've been taking on the role of helper/assistant. With Keng Sen putting me in touch with a multitude of people. While I've been out engaging in conversation, the think that has been missing is the interest in my work. Actually, Lise Nellenmaan, the artist in residence at the moment, just came up to me to say that she looked at my website and liked it. I think that is the first time someone mentioned my work. Back to the conversation with KS, I just said my goal is not to be assisting others with their work, though it is a good way to get experience, but I need to providing avenues for making my ideas happen. If there is a person in this production that I hope to be it is Keng Sen.
Not sure how he took that? I have really appreciated the involvement here at Theatreworks and the ability to be in Singapore. Asia seems like a good next step. But, it has to come on the basis of my work, and not his.
So, this has led to a bunch of other ideas and opinions. With the move to New York, I've got to think in a similar manner. Since we will be living 1;30 away from the city, I'm either going to travel to work or just get a schmuck job that allows me to do my own stuff. It will probably have to be a bit of both. Am applying for a fellowship at Rhizome and applied for a fellowship at Eyebeam. Don't think I'll get either, but it would be amazing to connect with one of those spaces, because they are the people I want to be around. That is where my heart wants to take me.
Love the pictures, keep them coming... I think that its pretty cool that you get to be in a place where large scale are is more prolific than it is here. Where the things that people do with their lives mean a little more than... just something to get by... I am curious about the picture of the black object with the blue lights shooting through it? If you wouldn't mind elaborating... also I find it interesting that art... like the picture at the end of your post is written in english... I would think that the native tounge would be what you would see something like that in. I am still excited that you are learning an amazing amount of info. and that the experience is soo fullfilling. I am as im sure you guessed living vicariously through you. We will have to get together when, or if you return to the states, to have a long lunch to talk and look at photos. I am currently in Milwaukee working on my show. Where it seems the people who are working under me don't take the work as much to heart as I would have hoped. Although on the flip side of that it is interesting being in charge of how things look and how you want things to look but not able to do them yourself. You have to let the union guys do it for you. So it is a great chance for me to work and refine my communication skills so that I might actually get what I want without too much difficulty. Which leads me to my next question; about language, is there a strong barrier of language or does most everyone speak english? anyway im sure your tired of reading this comment, its really entirely too long and should probably have gone into an email... but ... whatever, a post is a post no matter what site its on. Regards, Hope all is well...
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