
lingua franca

It's just about midnight here, which means that it's about noon on the east coast.

Just finished with a reading of the scrip for the show. The four actors came in and put us through a very interesting time. Things started to make sense on that side, but this show is very complex. Video, audio, music, acting, etc. So much.

This month is the ghost monkey festival in Singapore (I might have that name wrong). Heard there was a big festival taking place later this week that I hope to see. Will tell you more about this when I get my facts right.

Have been thinking about my previous experiences abroad. One of my issues with Europe was that I always felt when people were speaking in another language in my company that it was done so to excluded me. Maybe it was my insecurities at that time? Not sure, but here I feel the exact opposite. Hearing Mandarin or Indonesia here doesn't feel exclusive. The more I think about it the more I realize it is more about me that any one else. Guess that at the rip old age of 29, I'm growing up.

Was excited to find out that Robin and Greta will be joining me at the end of the month. Should be fun. Not that I'm going to have loads of time to spend with them. Mainly, I want Robin and Greta to share in the experiences that I am having.


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